Life has returned to normal in the last few days. At least, the new definition of normal. Boris is once again his old self. He seems to have adapted to the twice daily drug doses with litttle or no apparent changes in behavior. He does tend to have a "sleepy" spell a few hours after each dose, but nothing all that dramatic.
We are now 10 days without an episode and 10 days on the phenobarbitol
Life has changed more for me. I now have to stay on top of the drug dispensing twice daily, around 8 am and 8 pm, give or take an hour or so. I also have to carry a spare dose with us when we go anywhere, just in case there is another episode.
Also, I have started cooking for Boris - the lucky dog! Last Sunday, I made a big crock pot of chicken with assorted veggies, which I mix in with a small amount of his dry food. He gobbles it up like never before, always loooking for more. Of course, one side effect of phenobarb is increased appetite.
On the very remote chance that a possible contributing factor of the episodes might be related to something in dried foods, I thought I would give this a try for a while. Not certain this will do any good, since his kibble is already a high-quality, no grain, natural variety; but it can't hurt to give it a try for a while. It all depends on whether I can keep up with this. He has gone through most of the batch in 5 days, and thats still stretched out with the kibble.
I had considered a raw diet or BARF (Biologically Acceptable Raw Foods), but this is even more committing, requiring lots more preparation and making deals with butchers. Some online sites claim this has helped dogs with seizures, but there is no conclusive evidence at this point.
Yesterday, I put him into doggie day care for the day. I was relieved to find out that the day care does accept dogs with seizure history and the staff is trained to handle any episodes. I don't take him there often, but its nice to have that as an option when needed.
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