Thursday, May 10, 2012

Cataract Surgery Day 2

I awoke to a little less pain, but still the same optical distortion, although its a little less obvious during daylight.
I went to the opthalmologist for a post op checkup.   He said that the lens appeared to be seated well, but I was still showing signs of inflamation and edema (swelling due to trapped fluid).  He said the eye pressure was a little higher than normal, but thats to be expected due to the trauma of the surgery.
He also said that the optical distortions (ghosting, halos) were common, due to the inflammation and edema.  These should subside after several days.
I am putting 3 types of drops into my eyes four times a day:  1) a steriod, 2) a NSAID, and 3) an antibiotic.  I will continue these for another 2 days to aid in the healing process.
In the meantime, I must be patient and follow the healing instructions - no strenuous activities for 5 days and no bending my head below my heart for 2 days.
The pain is pretty much gone, so not I just need to take it easy and wait.
I am still a little concerned, but trying to be optimistic - cautiously optimistic!
The power of positive thinking!

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