Friday, December 11, 2009

Desperate times call for desperate measures

Enough is enough! This poo problem has been going on for a month with several different attempts at resolution. Here is a final try before I turen him over to the vet for a more serious look at the issue.

Step 1 : fasting for 24 hours. Already ahead of the game, since he barfed up his entire dinner last night. So I decided not to give him breakfast this morning. And nothing else until dinner (no treats). Also, no going outside alone to prevent him from eating whatever crap he finds outside

Step 2 : Pepto Bismol before dinner. Recommended by several web postings. I gave him 2 tablets, covered in peanut butter, which he quickly gobbled down. Even though the tablets were whole, I hope that this will help to quiet whatever has been upsetting his system.

Step 3 : Prepare bland meals. I cooked up 2 cups of white rice with some ground turkey. Does not get much blander than that. Plus, its fresh and no chemicals.

Step 4 : Feeding. 1.5 cups of the bland meal mixture plus a half cup of canned pumpkin (for some added fiber)

Step 5 : Wait....

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