Sunday, January 3, 2010

Shoulder Surgery: 1 month later

Its been 1 month since the surgery and the recovery seems to be going well, albeit mostly uneventful. There is not much that I can do except for 2 simple passive movements to keep the joint moving. But there has been virtually no pain at the surgery location. pretty surprising based on other reports I have heard.
The worst issue has been muscle ache when sleeping. Some muscles in my shoulder will start to ache when I am sleeping at night - so much so that I have to get up for the pain to go away. At this point, I am attributing this to muscle atrophy, but its only a guess.
I wear the sling most of the time, primarily as a reminder to NOT use the arm except in limited motion. Basically, I should not be using the muscle that raises the arm to the side. But to be safe, I should not be using any shoulder muscles.
When I do not wear the sling I try to keep my arm held to the side of my body. This does wonders for the arm pits. ;-)
As for exercise, there has been some, but not much. I have been to the gym 3 times to use the StairMaster and the recombent bicycle, the only 2 methods of cardio that I can do without any kind of impact that might hurt.
Yesterday, I went on a 6-mile hike at Rocky Hill Ranch and ran most of the last 2 miles with no pain or problems - that is, other than looking peculiar since my right arm was hanging motionless at my side while the left arm was swinging back and forth as usual.

I go back to the doctor on Wednesday for a checkup. I am anticipating (hoping) that he will start me on physical therapy very soon. I am SO ready to get started! Bring on the pain! That will tell me I am making progress!

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